Jackie chan son - Yuen Biao

Chan son jackie The Karate

Chan son jackie Jackie Chan

Chan son jackie Jackichand Singh

Chan son jackie The Accidental

The Karate Kid (2010 film)

Chan son jackie Little Big

Chan son jackie The Karate

Jackie Chan's son jailed for drugs offence

Chan son jackie The Karate

Chan son jackie 1911 (film)

Chan son jackie After Meeting

Chan son jackie The Karate

The Accidental Spy

Imitators As with several successful Hong Kong action films, a number of films were released in the wake of Drunken Master and its sequel that could be considered to trade on the fame of the original films.

  • Annie, Jackie, and Jackson decide to work together to find Gregor and bring him in.

Jaden Smith

It stars and in lead roles, and it was produced by , , Ken Stovitz, and.

  • It had a significant cultural impact, inspiring numerous later films, music, , and.

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