زيك - Zhik

زيك زي

زيك زي


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زيك زي

Attack on Titan (season 4)

زيك Stream ترنيمة

زيك The Zeek

Stream الي زيّك أمشي لِيه بلاد . by just listen to me .

زيك Stream ترنيمة


زيك Attack on


زيك زي

زيك Stream ترنيمة


In the present, the Global Alliance makes a futile attempt with their navy to stop Eren and the Rumbling from reaching Marley.

  • Zachary denies them as he suspects Eren of colluding with the Volunteers and of being manipulated by Zeke.


Pieck fakes the death of the Cart Titan, enabling Magath to fire a shot at the Beast Titan's nape with the anti-Titan cannon, gravely wounding Zeke and knocking him off the wall.

  • Eren starts laughing bitterly after hearing her last words from Sasha which were "meat".

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